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How to make matrix effect in notepad easily

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Matrix visual effect is not unfamiliar to us. You may have seen your friends enjoy the fun it gives and wondered how! She has kept it a secret so she could take advantage of taking your note for that. Unless she is a generous heart, she wouldn't perhaps share the know-how with you. 

If you are confused as to if it is worth sharing your note for, I would say---Nope. It is too easy! 

Just follow the steps---

1. Open notepad.
2. Type the following ---

@echo off
color 02
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%goto goto :a

(Just note that `%random%` should be copy pasted many times) You can remove pause if you want it to open directly

Save it as with a name.bat

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